Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dish network Outdoor Channel featured 3 places we visited.

        Really neat to see on TV some place you had visited. This has happened before, but not three shows in a row that have places we visited. Especially one this year and one last year.
   I was watching the Outdoor channel on a Dish TV the other day and they featured several places we visited. What a shock to see the town of  Regent and  the scrap metal art that we featured in our blog in September. We really enjoyed visiting the town and the sculptures. The story was featured on a program called "Flush". It was about flushing pheasants out of cover using some great hunting dogs. Here are a few of the sculptures. You can see more pictures under our label North Dakota. July 2013.

The game they were hunting, was the pheasant,  as North Dakota is one of the best states to hunt pheasants.

A family revisited.

      The very next program featured The Savannah National Wildlife Refuge we visited in early autumn last year while visiting Savannah. The refuge is part of the very important Atlantic flyway.
It was in our blog titled Savannah part 2  September 2012. Here are the photos from that blog.

 The very next story on the same channel was about hunting some of the exotic game in Junction Texas. An area we spent about 4 months at in 2007. We drove the area looking through their high fences. We did spot some exotic game several times. There is a very large game ranch there of 100,000 plus acres.  I believe it is called San Benito range. Can't remember for sure. I'll try to find some photo's.  


  1. I agree, it is so cool to see where you've been on TV or read about it in a book. Then it also lets me know about all those places I have yet to visit. We've been on the Enchanted Highway.

  2. Cool to see places you've been, but special for three shows in a row.
